Medit i500 Intraoral Scanner

Together, these three qualities make it easy to incorporate the scanner into your workflow. Designed with quality in mind, the Medit i500 was created to add value to your practice.

Regardless of your specialization, the i500 has diverse applications, ensuring that your professional needs are met. Increase your work efficiency with the vast flexibility that the open CAD/CAM system offers and never worry about compatibility issues again.


in vitro* In vivo**
Trueness Precision
Single 5.3μm ± 0.34 3.2μm ± 0.49 10μm
Quadrant 17.3μm ± 0.43 6.3μm ± 0.63 25μm
Full arch 21.0μm ± 1.48 22.6μm ± 7.55 50μm
* Accuracy test in vitro was conducted by Yonsei University College of Dentistry according to the methods in “Accuracy comparison analysis on scan data of single tooth, quadrant, and full arch between two types of intraoral scanner, i500 and Trios 3” Ji-Man Park, 19 December 2018.
 ** Accuracy test in vivo was conducted by Medit.

i500 Specifications

Tip size 19 x 15.2 mm (WxH)
Overall handpiece length 266 mm
Weight 280g
Imaging technology 3D-in-motion video technology
Color 3D full color streaming capture
Connectivity USB 3.0
Scanning area 14 x 13 mm

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