DC CeramConceptPress

Lithium Disilicate Pressable Ceramic

ConceptPress is a fluorescent high-strength (about 420MPa) lithium disilicate pressable material for production of highly aesthetic all-ceramic restorations.  ConceptPress is part of the DC Ceram family of ceramics designed and manufactured in Germany by CERAMAY.


The aesthetic qualities, versatility and economy of usage of the DC Ceram family are unmatched by other systems.

ConceptPress indications range from thin veneers to the production of 3-unit bridges. Ingots are color coordinated and are available in different opacities defined as “D” (Dentin), “ID” (Intensive Dentin), “CT” (Color Transpa), “Pearl” (opalescent), as well as an “Anterior” line.  The “D” (Dentin) ingot selection is available in 16 Vita Shades and Three Bleach Shades.  The other ingot lines are value based while the Anterior ingot selection has eight interior shades available.  Translucency level selection is based on clinical requirements as well as desired processing techniques (layering or cut-back technique).  Designed to provide more efficiency, 2 gram and 3 gram stackable ingot selections allow more precise wax weight matching!


All ingots in the system exhibit a distinct chameleon effect and true-to-life fluorescence.  DC Ceram ConceptPress, DC Ceram 9.2 zirconium blended ceramics and DC Ceram ConceptArt universal stains together, provide creative freedom for achieving highly aesthetic dental prosthesis.

Indicated for thin veneers (non-prep. veneers), veneers, inlays, onlays, occlusal veneer, partial crowns, full crowns, 3-unit bridges in the anterior and posterior tooth region up to the 2nd premolar, hybrid abutments in the anterior or posterior tooth region, and hybrid screw retained abutment crowns in the anterior or posterior tooth region


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conceptPress is Flourescent

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